

In recent years, China has successively introduced a series of policies and measures, including setting

提升跨境电商发展质效 促进市场主体倍增提能

Recently, the “Action Plan for Promoting the High-quality Development of Cross-border E-commerce and Helping Foreign


As an emerging force in international trade, cross-border e-commerce is changing the pattern of global

九州同庆 盛世华诞

Celebrate the whole country and prosper China.The red flag flies in the wind.Great ChinaGo through

收获满满 感恩相遇 第三届西部跨境电商博览会落幕!

The Third Cross-border E-commerce Expo in Western ChinaExhibition review On September 14th, under the guidance

倒计时啦!泛鼎国际 TEMU联合参展第三届西部跨境电商博览会

— The 3rd Western China Cross-border  E-commerce Expo — 2024.09.12-14chengdu century city new international convention and exhibition centerPanex


The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee clearly pointed out that it

展商风采 | 泛鼎国际和TEMU将联合参展第三届西部跨境电商博览会

The 3rd Western China Cross-border E-commerce Expo2024.9.12-14Chengdu Century City New International Convention and Exhibition CenterOn

跨境电商“加速跑”开启“新赛道” 我国外贸增长迎来新引擎、新势能

The latest data from the General Administration of Customs shows that in the first half

扩大跨境电商规模 培育外贸新动能

Since the beginning of this year, cross-border e-commerce has become a major bright spot in