Since the beginning of this year, cross-border e-commerce has become a major bright spot in China’s foreign trade. The latest statistics show that in the first half of the year, China’s cross-border e-commerce imports and exports amounted to 1.22 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.5%, with a growth rate of 4.4 percentage points higher than China’s foreign trade as a whole during the same period.

Thanks to the increasingly complete cross-border e-commerce platform function, China’s commodity quality and service level continues to improve, the supply chain is more rapid and flexible and other positive factors, more and more small and medium-sized enterprises to do cross-border trading is more and more convenient, without having to leave the house, “sell” the world.

Accelerating the transformation of traditional manufacturing industries to go to sea, cross-border service system is improving, so that cross-border e-commerce has become a new growth pole of Chengdu’s foreign trade. But to continue to expand demand, pull the industrial chain to realize the leap, to solve the problem is still quite a lot. How to solve the industry’s pain points, so that cross-border e-commerce continues to glow with new vigor?

The biggest demand lies in the matching of the supply side and the demand side, there are a lot of such factories or industry and trade enterprises, they want to transform to do cross-border e-commerce, do not know how to start this business. And the other end of our many e-commerce platforms, they need some very high quality supply chain stationed.

How to crack this problem and open up the supply and demand docking channels? The local authorities have brought together service providers involved in cross-border business segments to establish a cross-border service body pool. Now, sellers can easily dock with local service providers just through their cell phones.

By the end of 2025, more than 15 advantageous industrial belts of cross-border e-commerce will be cultivated, leading to the realization of a transaction scale of more than 140 billion yuan. Cross-border e-commerce as the fastest growing, largest potential, the strongest driving role of the new foreign trade pattern, is becoming an important development trend in international trade.

In June this year, the Ministry of Commerce and other nine departments jointly issued guidance, including the strengthening of cross-border e-commerce industry organizations and personnel training and other 15 initiatives; at the same time, all around the introduction of support policies to seize the opportunity.

From the central to local, a series of policies targeting the difficulties and blockages, promoting cross-border e-commerce continues to expand the new space.

Source: CCTV News

Image Source: Photo Gallery License