Industrial clusters are the basic conditions to support the development of cross-border e-commerce. There are many industrial clusters, which were born mainly to satisfy the domestic market, and developed to a certain extent, the products have a good price-performance ratio, and then have the competitiveness to go to the overseas market.

Cross-border e-commerce and industrial belts is a two-way promotion of the relationship. For the industrial zone, the future is not only about products going to sea, but also about the overall capacity and brand power of the industrial zone to go to sea and improve.

Seize the opportunity to meet the challenge at the same time

Behind the booming development of cross-border e-commerce, opportunities and challenges co-exist. At present, small and medium-sized cross-border e-commerce enterprises are still facing the channel is not smooth enough, not enough professional talents, lack of financial strength, promotion of a single form of problems, many difficulties need to be overcome together with enterprises and relevant departments. At present, the development of cross-border e-commerce is still facing many risks, including exchange rate risks, policy risks, etc., we must be prepared to seize the opportunity to bravely meet the challenges.

Differences in laws and regulations, cross-border logistics difficulties, cross-border payment security and other factors constrain international cooperation in the field of e-commerce, cross-border e-commerce is still facing bottlenecks and blockages. Policy communication should be further strengthened and a closer cooperation mechanism should be established.

Currently China’s cross-border e-commerce is still dominated by product exports. However, it should also be seen that in recent years, the growth rate of cross-border e-commerce in the service sector has far exceeded the growth rate of products. In the future, cross-border e-commerce service trade will bring a new windfall.

The rapid development of the industry requires a large number of talents, and it is imperative to accelerate the training of cross-border e-commerce talents. Zhong Zeyu said, now there are more than 500 colleges and universities have opened a cross-border e-commerce professional, should further strengthen the construction of cross-border e-commerce industry organizations and talent training.

From “products go to sea” to “brand go to sea”.

In order to further support the development of cross-border e-commerce, the Ministry of Commerce and other nine departments recently issued the “opinions on expanding cross-border e-commerce exports and promoting the construction of overseas warehouses”, which puts forward a number of initiatives to promote the high-quality development of cross-border e-commerce overseas warehouses, etc., and optimize cross-border e-commerce export supervision to help cross-border e-commerce-related enterprises to “go global.

Cross-border e-commerce, as an important driver of global economic integration and international trade liberalization, rapidly integrates global logistics, business flow, capital flow and information flow, greatly facilitates the optimal allocation of multilateral resources, builds an ecological environment for cross-border trade in the whole chain, breaks down tangible and intangible barriers between countries and regions, and is an irreplaceable and emerging global economic and trade pattern.

Enterprises should seize the opportunity from “products going to sea” to “brands going to sea”, relying on brand differentiation, no longer fight for price, but from the refined management, value-added services, differentiated services to find out the business strategy, to explore the new trend of cross-border e-commerce development of new paths. Source: Economic Reference News

Source: Economic Reference News

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